
Shamanic Services


The Illumination is the foundation for Shamanic healing that clears the energy imprints in the luminous body . Working with the seven major Chakras this process helps open and restore the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the human in balance. This energy healing technique helps transform heavy energies (huacha) into light.

Soul Retrieval

Most indigenous cultures around the world believe that illness is due to the loss of the soul. With the Inca Tradition, it is believed that when trauma occurs, the the healthy state leaves and goes into the lower world or subconscious to find safety, which creates some loss of the soul. This process retrieves that soul part. You will re-write your soul contract, receive a gift, and ally with a powerful animal spirit as you become fully whole once again.

Repairing the Luminous Energy Field

A tear in the aura leaves you open and vulnerable to huacha (heavy energies). You can experience a tear in your energetic field with trauma, abuse, a serious accident, surgery, excessive use of drugs or alcohol, a one night stand, witnessing violence, going through a natural disaster, or anything that is shocking or disruptive. This process weaves the aura back together, returning your strength, vitality, and resilience.

A Shamanic session averages 60 to 90 minutes. 
A soul retrieval averages 2.5 to 3 hours.

Group Shamanic Services

Fire Ceremonies

Harness the power of the fire to manifest & transform with intention. When we work with intention & focus, the fire helps us to manifest that which we wish to welcome into our lives & release what no longer serves us. The fire is our potent ally as we plant seeds of change.

Ayni Despacho

In shamanic tradition, an ayni despacho is done with the intention to bring oneself and one's community into right relationship with the natural world. It creates a sense of union, harmony and reciprocity with nature. This despacho is a powerful ceremony to become in right relationship with others, careers, your community and so much more.